The best holiday gifts for any baker.
A large, deeply flavorful loaf perfect for a large gathering.
Simple techniques for a thinner, crispier crust.
The Perfect Loaf and TASTE take travelers on the a trip of a lifetime.
Optimal steam without a heavy pot.
Rich and moist with a demure sourdough tang.
Light and airy with soft-ish crust and a fun shape.
My method for strengthening dough in a mechanical mixer.
A deliciously perfect paradox: A soft yet sturdy bun for any occasion.
The right way to take a short break from your sourdough starter.
Thick, cheesy, chewy—everything you want in pan pizza.
A simple way to have starter ready for any discard recipe.
An easy technique for the softest bread.
Intensely aromatic with robust earthy and malty flavors.
A crunchy, crispy ring that lasts nearly indefinitely.
Scaling up your sourdough bread baking with a large bread oven.
Strengthening bread dough during bulk fermentation.
Added flavor and nutrition with freshly milled grains and seeds.
A Tender and Ultra-Flaky Pie Crust Starts with Your Starter
Navigating strong flour for delicious loaves.
Save flour and time by keeping a starter cool, not fridge-cold.
A behind the scenes look at my trip and a little of what I learned.
How Artificial Intelligence Would Craft The Perfect Loaf
Weighing in on my top pick after countless bakes.
Great sourdough bread, even up high.
Keep your starter thriving at just the right temperature.
My uniquely-mixed freshly milled flour for incredible sourdough bread.