Bread made from a sourdough starter kept in the Sourdough Home for two days without feedings.

The Beginner’s Guide to Sourdough

This is the place to begin your journey to making sourdough bread.

Making sourdough bread is a simple process, really. Mix your sourdough starter, some flour, and some water, let it ferment, and have a loaf ready by dinnertime. With a little more structure, though, it becomes easier to plan and increase your consistency.

Let’s split the process into eight steps—which sounds like a lot, but most of the time you just let the dough do its thing.

The eight steps to making (great) sourdough bread.

Next, let’s examine each step in detail. Click on the step you’re most interested in to learn why it’s important, what you need to know to perform it successfully, and what your dough should look and feel like at the end.

Looking For Sourdough Starter Help?

A sourdough starter is the foundation for making great bread. Keep it healthy and strong for the best flavor, texture, and volume. It requires a little attention, but not much.