
Build Your Own Dough Retarder

Build Your Own Dough Proofer via @theperfectloaf

Over the numerous years I’ve baked bread, and the countless nights my dough has proofed overnight in the family fridge, there have been (so many)

Rye Sourdough and Smørrebrød

rye sourdough and smorrebrod

It’s been cold here in New Mexico, like really, really cold. When it’s ten degrees outside you only want one of a few things: 1)

White Sonora Sourdough

This recipe uses delicious white Sonora flour for a creamy crumb and mouthwatering flavor.

Fig and Fennel Sourdough

the perfect loaf fig and fennel sourdough

I have childhood memories of my dad trying desperately to grow fig trees (as if he knew I’d one day make this fig and fennel