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Wood-fired oven sourdough pizza dough recipe

Wood-Fired Sourdough Pizza Dough Recipe

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  • Author: Maurizio Leo
  • Prep Time: 27 hours
  • Cook Time: 1 hour
  • Total Time: 28 hours
  • Yield: 4 pizzas
  • Category: Pizza, Sourdough
  • Cuisine: Italian


A delicious (and dare I say healthier) recipe for a wood-fired sourdough pizza dough. This pizza will be your new favorite for high-heat cooking with a crispy crust, tender interior, and incredible depth of flavor.



  • 34g white flour (about 12.5% protein)
  • 34g water
  • 34g ripe sourdough starter, 100% hydration

Main dough

  • 573g white flour (about 12.5% protein)
  • 34g whole wheat flour
  • 34g durum flour (“extra fancy”)
  • 357g water 1
  • 27g water 2
  • 14g fine sea salt
  • 101g ripe levain


  1. Levain – 9:00 a.m.
    Mix the levain ingredients in a jar and leave them covered at a warm temperature, 74-76°F (23-24°C), to ripen for 3 hours.
  2. Mix – 12:00 p.m.
    To the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook attachment, add the flourwater 1, and ripe levain. Mix on low speed for 2 to 3 minutes until the ingredients come together and no dry bits remain. Increase the mixer speed to medium (I use #6 on the Famag) and mix for 3 to 4 minutes until the dough begins to smooth. Let the dough rest in the bowl for 10 minutes, covered. Add the salt and water 2 to help it dissolve. Mix on low speed for 2 minutes until the salt is incorporated. Then, increase the mixer speed to medium and mix for 4 to 5 minutes until the dough clumps around the dough hook and is smooth and elastic. Transfer the dough to a bulk fermentation container and cover.
  3. Bulk fermentation – 12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. (3 hours)
    At a warm room temperature, 74-76°F (23-24°C), bulk fermentation should take about 3 hours. The dough does not require any sets of stretches and folds.
  4. Divide, ball and cold-proof (retard) – 3:15 p.m. (overnight)
    Grease a large dough tray, half sheet pan, or four individual 4-cup containers with olive oil. Scrape the dough out to the counter and divide it into 280g pieces. Shape tightly into balls and place in the proofing container(s). Cover and place into the refrigerator overnight (or up to 2 days later).
  5. Warm proof – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.Take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it finish proofing at room temperature for 3 hours before shaping and cooking.
  6. Shape and cook – 12:00 p.m.
    Preheat your high-heat oven until the floor of the oven reaches your desired temperature (I prefer around 650°F/340°C). Prepare your pizza sauce and any other toppings. Flour a work surface and the tops of the dough balls. Scoop up one dough ball and flip it over onto the floured work surface. Sprinkle flour on top and use your hands, shaped like an inverted “V,” to press out the dough from top to bottom. Rotate the ball and press it out again. Then, flip the dough over and again, with your hands shaped like an inverted “V,” press the dough out. Next, pick up the dough with your hands, make fists, and drape the dough over your knuckles. Gently and slowly, pull your hands apart to stretch the dough. Rotate the dough over your hands and continue to stretch in this way a few more times until the dough has spread to about 10-inches in diameter. Lay the dough back on the work surface. Top the dough with sauce, cheese, and any toppings suitable for cooking in the oven. Slide the dough onto a pizza peel, and then slide it into the oven. Cook and repeat with remaining dough.


After balling the pizza dough, it can be left to finish proofing on the counter for same-day pizza, retarded overnight, or even left up to 2 days later.

If you don’t have durum flour “extra fancy,” you can use white flour in its place.